The Company and its Members

A company (registration number 05731742) was incorporated on 6th March 2006 as Barrowden & Wakerley, Community Shop Limited (not for profit).

The principal activity of the company is the provision of a Community Shop. A Community Shop is a social enterprise venture, not for profit, that is owned by the community to serve the community. A social enterprise is a business whose surpluses are reinvested in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maintain profit for shareholders.

Barrowden & Wakerley Community Shop Limited is registered as a company limited by guarantee (not for profit) without share capital. Surplus funds will be reinvested in the development of The Shop facilities or offered for use by other village organizations. These decisions will be taken at the Annual General Meeting which will be open to all Members of the community shop.

Barrowden & Wakerley Community Shop Limited currently has 6 directors:


Craig Mitchell  (Chair)
Gill Coleman (Company Secretary)
Lesley Ferrow
Joe Beattie
Iain McBain
Sarah Preston

Become a Member

The Director’s invite you to become a member of the Barrowden & Wakerley Community Shop Limited. 

It is an organisation owned by Community to serve the Community and registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee (Not for Profit). There are no shareholders. 

Following legal advice the best way to enable the community to be involved is by membership of the Company. 

There are no automatic joining arrangements for membership and so to enable us to establish and maintain a register of members, please complete an application form and return it to the Company Secretary. 

Membership is free and open to everyone aged over 16. Members will be issued with a certificate confirming membership. 

Your only obligation as a member of the company is the requirement to pay £1 as your total liability if the company is wound up. All registered members may vote at the Annual General Meeting on decision making policies, use of surplus funds and the appointment of Company Trustees from the community. If you do have any queries on this issue please do not hesitate to speak to one of the directors. 

Download the pdf application form here